Surveys were conducted through social media where we received responses from 47 users.
Percent of users concerned about sustainability when grocery shopping.
Percentage of users who are unaware, or unconcerned with the environmental impact of the beef and dairy industry.
As a team we took the user survey data to create an affinity diagram, and then brainstormed feature prioritization.
From out user data we created a user persona, Orion Fitswilliams. He cares about the environment, but he's worried about coming across too pesstimistic to others. Orion is also struggling to balance his convictions with his busy life.
We analyzed competitors to see what they did well, what could be improved, and UI inspirations.
User Flow outlining the main function for the app, and needed feature for minimum viable product.
For our style guide, we wanted to avoid an overly earthy color scheme that might invoke a 90s healthfood store. Inspiration was taken from deep ocean tones, to invoke nature; while cream was chosen to create a warmth. The mood of the design is meant to balance a calm friendly feeling, with clear minimalism.
If you like what you see and want to work together, get in touch!